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LINE Blockchain Developers API is RESTful and uses the HTTPS protocol. Thus, you can call APIs regardless of platform if it supports HTTP.

Yet, you need a valid API Key and API secret to call an API. You can get them from the LINE Blockchain Developers console. Refer to the Request header for how to use an API key and API secret to call an API.


The format of LINE Blockchain Developers API endpoints is as follows.

  • host is the host of the API server, and it can be selected from below.
    • Testnet:
    • Mainnet:
  • api-path is the path of the API to be called. You can check out the path in each API endpoint specification. API version is also a part of api-path.
  • query-string is a set of query parameters. Each parameter is a pair of key=value, distinguished by '&'.  


LINE Blockchain Developers API requests comply with the following conventions.

  • All API requests are sent via HTTPS.
  • Parameters can be sent as a path, query, or request body in JSON.

    From LINE Blockchain Developer v2.8.0, there is no need to do URI encoding for query parameters.

  • All API requests must be signed, except for the endpoint to retrieve server time, and API requests with an invalid signature are rejected. Refer to Authentication for more information.
  • Any request exceeding the rate limit will return an error.
    • The default rate limit is 50 TPS in Mainnet and 20 TPS in Testnet for all service plans.
    • Refer to the overview of API reference or each endpoint to check if they are affected by the rate limit.
    • The rate limit is subject to change.

Request header

Those API endpoints using the request body as a parameter should set Content-Type as "application/json" in the HTTP header.

Those API endpoints that require authentication should send service-api-key, signature, timestamp, and nonce in the header. Refer to Authentication for more information on corresponding values and validation methods.

The Host header when using the proxy server

In principle, Host is a header required for all HTTP/1.1 requests and should have the same base URL as the requested server. Most HTTP clients automatically enter this information, but it may change if you use a proxy server. Make sure to use the base URL of the requested server.

  • Testnet:
  • Mainnet:

You can check the details of HTTP request header Host in W3C RFC 2616.

Next is a sample request header.

Content-Type: application/json
service-api-key: <your api key>
signature: <the user generated message signature>
timestamp: <a timestamp for your request>
nonce: <a nonce value>

Request body

Some API endpoints can send the parameters in the request body, which should be in JSON format, using a camel case for key names.

Next is a sample request body.

"ownerAddress": "link000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"ownerSecret": "uuOtZ+RIgn009pDlnx+fmqlH9nzYJMvoUPE9Kz37m4w=",
"toAddress": "link000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"value": "1234567890"


LINE Blockchain Developers API sends the response with HTTP status codes, response headers, and response body.

Response header

The response header can include information on the rate limit when calling API endpoints with limited requests.

X-RateLimit-Replenish-RateIntegerThe number of available requests per second; Rate limitOptional
X-RateLimit-RemainingIntegerThe number of remaining requests available in the next secondOptional

Response body

The response body is a JSON object with details on the result including the following attributes.

responseTimeTimestampResponse time of the API server, displayed in milliseconds since Unix Epoch at UTCRequired
statusCodeIntegerResponse result. Refer to API status code.Required
statusMessageStringStatus message corresponding to statusCodeRequired
responseDataObjectActual data from the requestOptional

Success response

For a successful API request, the server returns the HTTP status code such as "200 OK" or "202 Accepted". In the response body of a successful API request, statusCode is set as "1000" or "1002", and actual response data are included in responseData.

Next is a sample response body of a successful API request.

"responseTime": 1581866404449,
"statusCode": 1000,
"statusMessage": "Success",
"responseData": {

API requests generating a transaction return "202 Accepted" when the request is successful. This means that the request is accepted. You need to note that it doesn't mean the transaction is confirmed. Actual result of the transaction from the request can be received only when the transaction is confirmed. Refer to Callback response for more information.

Error response

When there is an error with an API request, the server treats it as a failure and returns a status code for the cause of the error. The response body of a failed API request returns information on the error without responseData.

Next is a sample response body of a failed API request.

"responseTime": 1575357343316137,
 "statusCode": 4010,
"statusMessage": "Service-api-key required"

Status code

LINE Blockchain Developers API provides the API status code and message per HTTP status code. Refer to the following table.

HTTP status codestatusCodestatusMessageDescription
2001000SuccessThe API is successfully requested.
2021002AcceptedTransaction request accepted.

This is regarding transaction requests only. Transaction results should be checked with the transaction hash.

2021020Transaction not confirmedThe transaction with the requested txHash is not confirmed yet.
4004000Bad request / Bad request: ${cause}An request sent by the client has invalid data. More detailed cause(${cause}) may be returned with the response.
4004002Address and UserId both in requestBoth toAddress and toUserId are entered in the request body.
4004010Service-api-key requiredservice-api-key is missing in the HTTP header.
4004011Signature required signature is missing in the HTTP header.
4004016Invalid wallet address: ${walletAddress}Invalid wallet address is entered.
4004017Invalid wallet secretInvalid wallet secret is entered.
4004018Owner wallet only availableownerAddress entered doesn't match the owner wallet address.
4004021Timestamp requiredtimestamp is missing in the HTTP header.
4004022Invalid timestamp formattimestamp format in the HTTP header is incorrect.
4004023Request timestamp too latetimestamp in the HTTP header is more than 5 minutes behind the serverTime. (Server time > requested Timestamp + 5 mins)
4004024Request timestamp too fasttimestamp in the HTTP header is more than 5 minutes ahead of serverTime. (Server time + 5 mins < requested Timestamp)
4004031Nonce requirednonce is missing in the HTTP header.
4004032Duplicated nonceSame nonce used within 11 minutes is reused.
4004033Invalid nonce formatnonce format in the HTTP header is incorrect.
4004060Transaction not acceptableThe format of requested transaction is incorrect.
4004100Please find responseData for detailsAn error occurred while processing the FINSCHIA Voucher API request. The cause of the error is included in responseData. (FINSCHIA Voucher API is a closed API only available to the services participating in the FINSCHIA Reward program.)
4004295Too many contract creation request over limitThe maximum number of item token contracts allowed for the service is exceeded.
4014012Service-api-key not found service-api-key in the HTTP header is not matched with API key matching.
4014013Invalid signaturesignature in the HTTP header is invalid.
4014014Service experiencing an issue. ${cause}Service is experiencing an issue. One of the following (${cause}) may be returned.
- Service_Suspended
- Service_Overdue
- Service_Sanction
- Service_Terminated
- Service_Overuse
4014015Service wallet not owned by the given service-api-keyThe service wallet can't be used for the service with the given service-api-key.
4034034Item token Proxy already set upUser already set up the proxy for the item token.
4034035Requesting user blocked from DOSI WalletTransaction can't be committed as the requesting user's DOSI Wallet account is blocked.
4034036Authorization not completedUser hasn't completed the DOSI Wallet authority process.
4034037Target user blocked from DOSI Wallet: ${userId}Target user (${userId}) can't receive as the DOSI Wallet account is blocked.
4034039DOSI Wallet user account locked: ${userId}The DOSI Wallet account of the user (${userId}) is locked.
4034082Not registered test user: ${userId}[Testnet only] Can't be transferred to the user who isn't registered as a test user.
4034083Not registered test user wallet or service wallet: ${walletAddress}[Testnet only] Can only be transferred to either the registered test user's wallet or the service wallet.
4044001Service not foundService with the given service ID is not found.
4044038User is not a DOSI Wallet member: ${userId}${userId} hasn't registered with DOSI Wallet.
4044040Transaction not foundTransaction with the given txHash is not found.
4044041Service wallet not found: ${walletAddress}Service wallet with the given ${walletAddress} is not found.
4044042Non-fungible token not owned NFT with the given contractId, tokenType, and tokenIndex is not found.
4044044Item token contract not foundThe given contractId is not found.
4044045Item token type not foundThe given tokenType is not found in the contract.
4044046Item token index not foundThe given tokenIndex is not found under the tokenType in the contract.
4044048Request session token not foundThe request session token doesn't exist or is expired.
4044049Non fungible item token burnedThe given NFT already burnt.
4044051User not found: ${userId}User with the given ${user ID} is not found. (This message is also returned for users who have withdrawn from the service.)
4044061Multi message out of boundMulti message size exceeded the limit.
4134131Payload too largeThe request body exceeded the limit that the server could handle.
4154151Unsupported media typeContent-type in the HTTP header isn't "application/json" or the body of the HTTP request isn't in JSON format.
4294291Too many requests from a single walletThere are too many transaction requests from a single wallet, so they can't be processed.
4294292No waiting area availableThe requested transaction (message) can't be queued for processing. Try again later for an idle node.
4294293Rate limit exceeded The rate limit for the service is exceeded.
4294294Too many request over limitThe rate limit for the service is exceeded.
5005000Internal server error
  • Testnet: An internal server error occurred, and the transaction hasn't been broadcast.
  • Mainnet: An internal server error occurred.

    We won't guarantee that the transaction hasn't been broadcast in Mainnet.

5005001Internal server error (possible broadcast of transaction)An internal server error occurred but the transaction might be broadcast.
5010Not implementedAccess to unimplemented API attempted.
5035030Service temporarily unavailableService is temporarily unavailable due to an internal problem. It will be restored soon.